davison's home

Be Mindful

Meditate on persistant thoughts in my head. Move forward.

Engage with the world, rather than letting it pass me by.

Flow, not distraction.

It’s great for productivity, happiness, and serenity.

Progress, not resource gathering. Satisfice.

Work just in time. Do something to move forward, rather than continually looking for resources and the ‘perfect method’

Satisfice. Stop trying for perfect. Aim for better than now, and repeat.

Stop fucking around

Take steps to be great. In my own way. Guitar, art, STEM, language…stop fucking around and letting life pass by.

Personal Philosophy

Minimalism – Simplicity – JIT – Mindful – Flow

Eat when hungry

Don’t just eat at set times. If I’m hungry, eat. Eat till I’m feeling a bit full, not stuffed.